I have learned recently that I am a literal thinker. And that makes assignments like this both challenging and fun for me. To me, rhythm is a pattern in sound, and translating that visually was difficult. It was interesting asking other people what they thought vision looked like, because apparently rhythm is not so difficult for others to see. My Mom sees rhythm everywhere.
I ended up going with three different interpretations. Since this is a weekly class, I feel entitled to three entrees.

On the left is the obvious literal translation. E was born with an innate sense of rhythm, and she expresses it beautifully through her saxophone. I also love how her practicing brings some rhythm to our lives.
On the right are geese flying north. I tried to write a haiku about this photo, but failed. Instead I have some random words that I think express the rhythms I see here:
seasons change
shapes form
wings beat
honk honk
And finally, this week's ice storm created rhythmical patterns everywhere, and today when the icicles began to fall, it created a sort of music. It was lovely but a little scary (imagine jagged ice daggers, much larger than this, falling on one's head). I loved these tiny icicles hanging off strings (meant for training vines) outside the local Mexican restaurant:

I think you nailed it in all three...I'm in love with the final shots though. this just screams rhythm to me. Like you said, a very subjective assignment! congrats on the blog...I think its going to rock!
You've got rhythm! I love this.
I like all of them but I especially like the icicles, too, maybe because I never see them here.
I love your site and am now following it. I’m looking forward to future posts from you. Beautiful photography. You might look into redbubble for selling your art. http://www.redbubble.com/people/mixedupmedia
Regards, Mari
Thank you!
Looks like I have to fall into a rhythm with this blog, too.
Deirdre, Thank you for your comment on my blog. I popped over here and instantly recognized you from PI...and your photos. I always spot your photos in the PI image gallery. I think I left a comment on your fence one. I didn't see these of the icicles (think I posted late that week).They are beautiful and a great take on the rhythm prompt! Anyway, I come over here and can't imagine you feeling stuck or full of doubt about your photography. I love it for its simplicity and yet you capture the details of life, like these icicles.
But after saying all of this I realize that is how we all feel about our own work and place of creativity.
Well let me encourage you today and tell you that you have a beautiful photographic eye. It exudes peace and simplicity and I LOVE that. (maybe bc I am seeking that in my own life now?)
I am in love with that pomagranite (sp?) picture and the bowl next to it. The two colors of the blue and red are so beautiful together, I immediately was drawn to it.
Anyway--take courage and encouragement that you have something to offer with your gift.
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